Wise Highs
How to Thrill, Chill, & Get Away from It All Without Alcohol or Other Drugs
Wise Highs describes more than 150 ways to feel really, really good—naturally, safely, and creatively—without alcohol or other drugs. From breathing and meditation to exercise and sports, gardening and music to games and thrills, these are “highs” that can change teens’ lives without leaving them dull, burned out, or hung over.
Getting high is fun. It’s natural and healthy. It feels great to get a rush, see the world a little differently, alter your consciousness, and take a break from your everyday life.
Unfortunately, for some teens it may seem like the only way to get high is with alcohol or other drugs. With Wise Highs, teens won’t need artificial highs. They won’t want them. They won’t have time for them. They’ll find so many ways to get high naturally that they’ll never be able to try them all.
Wise Highs looks at all sorts of different highs including rushes, thrill-seeking, X-treme sports, inner journeying, adrenaline highs, sensuous highs, visual highs, interpersonal highs, spiritual highs, and Rocky Mountain highs. Highs that will calm you down. Highs that will jazz you up. From free to expensive. No-risk to high-risk. Easy to hard. Highs that will take you deep inside yourself—and waaaay outside. Plus interesting facts, cool quotes, and survey results from teens who share their favorite ways to relieve stress and escape reality. All served up with ample doses of humor. Because laughter is one of the best highs of all.
“Gold Award”
“Book of the Year”
“Children’s Choice”
“Book for the Teen Age”
“National Parenting Publication Award ”
“Quick Pick”
Praise for Wise Highs
“Written with wisdom and wit, the author brings together an amazing collection of things to do to live a better, fuller life. This is one of the best life-skills books on the market, and it should be on every teenager’s bookshelf.”
“Recommended, enlightening, and readable. This humorous and enjoyable book discusses the various ways teens can feel good without the use of alcohol or drugs.”
“Funny, informative . . . Chock-full of ideas for reducing stress and having fun. A great handbook for lifting anyone’s spirits.”
“How Rude! author Alex Packer has hit the jackpot again, this time with ‘Wise Highs,’ a book overflowing with effective ways to chill out or feel exhilarated without using drugs or alcohol. Packer’s personal approach and steady stream of suggestions give teens plenty of ways to feel good about themselves and life.”
5 Star Reviews for Wise Highs
“Awesome book! I really love this book. I’ve been trying to live a drug free life, but the stress and pressures I feel sometimes make me think that it would be easier if I just started drinking beer and smoking weed like everyone else does. But after reading this book and incorporating some of the exercises into my life, I’ve found it easier to stay away from drugs. This guy has a great sense of humor and really seems to understand kids. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a way to relieve stress without using drugs. Thanks, Alex. You rock!”
“The Ultimate Health Book For Intelligent Young People. It’s all here—what every teen and young adult needs to know about how to feel really well and really good about themselves. On the premise that human beings like to get high, and that getting high is good, Dr. Packer’s newest book tells us how to do it—without relying on alcohol, drugs or other substances. Written and illustrated in an engagingly contemporary way, Wise Highs provides the reader with fresh, usable insights on such matters as serenity, nutrition, exercise, and relationships. Organized in three sections and 11 well-outlined chapters, it is possible—perhaps even recommended—that the reader turn to an area of particular interest first. Literate, witty, insightful, and irreverent where it should be, Wise Highs is highly recommended to young people and parents alike.”
“Introducing the reader to over 150 creative, legal, playful, and insightful “highs”, Wise Highs: How To Thrill, Chill, And Get Away From It All Without Alcohol Or Other Drugs is a thoroughly “reader accessible” and invaluable reference for practical, fun, innovative, and healthy explorations into living a life free of alcohol or other mind altering drugs … with everything from tips for breathing highs, to exercise highs, help with physical pains, and a collection of Zen and Zen-oriented information. Wise Highs is very strongly recommended to all teens, and their parents who are searching for a positive, knowledgeable guide to a good time.”
“An Excellent Read! I highly recom[m]end this book to readers of all ages. Not only is it one of the funniest books I have ever read, it also contains many good methods to sleep better, relax, and most importantly, have fun. The book is true to its title, there are many safe and healthy ways to get a rush of adrenaline, or, just the opposite. Another feature of this book is that it tricks kids into learning new things and encouraging a good life style without the feeling of a textbook. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good, educational, fun, and most of all, entertaining read.”
“Where Was This Book When I Was A Teen? Alex Packer has written a funny, educational, and comprehensive book on alternatives to getting high with alcohol or other drugs. The book includes examples of alternative highs from teenagers along with humorous illustrations and up-to-date links to websites. I hadn’t realized how many non-chemical alternatives there were to getting high. I can’t wait to pass this book on to my teenage nephew. I only wish such a book had been available when I was his age!”